Many people need more time to get the skills they need to continue sober life outside of a sober living program. With these helpful tips you can beat sober and bored. drinking out of boredom The important thing is to stay open-minded and maintain a positive attitude. Give activities a chance, and give yourself a chance to have fun doing them.

  • It is very common for people to replace alcohol with sugar in the beginning, which is detrimental not only to your waistline and physical health but your mental well-being as well.
  • Financial troubles and problems finding and keeping employment are major triggers for relapse, but it is possible to take baby steps and get your finances in order.
  • Plus, you might meet some cool people, and that’s always a double win.
  • You can find support groups that are not 12-Step focused to get sober without AA.
  • Reaching out to others will give you the proper support needed to get through this lull in your recovery.
  • Following it, you could be just one step away towards getting your dream job.
  • If you are trying to maintain a sober lifestyle, those feelings can become toxic and contribute to relapse if you don’t deal with them properly.

By engaging youth in group activities, they had alternate ways of doing something they considered interesting and they could feel good about what they were doing and learning. Boredom doesn’t require the arrival of a person to act as a trigger. Nor does there need to be any fatigue or hunger making you susceptible. Boredom may be lurking around any corner, on any slow day when nothing was planned, when there’s no one entertaining around to keep things lively. On those days when nothing occupies your mind, your thoughts may wander off to disappointments or losses of the past. If you’re involved in a 12-step program, you likely already know the importance of milestones.

How do you feel happy when you’re sober?

If you decide you want to discover how sobriety is not boring, Resurgence Behavioral Health is the right place to begin your journey. You can’t be boring when you have taken on the greatest challenge in your life, recovery. You might be ready to face these triggers, or you might not feel comfortable yet.

These may take up only a few minutes but will cut down on boredom and help you keep focused on why you’ve quit. Fortunately, groups of people are frequently available to aid those in addiction recovery. Overcoming boredom in addiction recovery is not an easy task. It is a skill that takes effort over a long period of time to act and react to the challenges of recovery. When use ends, everyday actions seem much less rewarding and exciting due to the lower dopamine levels.

Fighting Boredom in Recovery Starts with You

The key to not letting boredom severely impact your sobriety is having a plan in place when it strikes. A plan will not only help you maintain your sobriety, but it can help you progress in your recovery as well. The best way forward for your recovery from alcohol or substance use is to incorporate a wide variety of strategies that will help foster success. Remember to care for yourself, seek supportive relationships, and consider seeking help from a therapist.

bored when sober

There are various booze-focused support groups out there, i.e. And for some reason a lot of people (myself, included) are very resistant to using them. Boredom and spare time are not beneficial to those in recovery and can lead to relapse. Boredom is considered the most common relapse trigger. It can lead to depression, irritability, anger, and isolation which can lead to an increase in cravings and thoughts of reusing.

Substance Abuse Treatment

On top of it all, you can’t use substances to pass the time. Not many people realize that boredom is one of the top reasons why people experiment with substances like alcohol and drugs. When you’re not occupied with something, you tend to look for some excitement in your life.

  • Now that you know the chemical reason for your boredom, let’s explore additional factors that might be contributing to these feelings.
  • Here are some ideas to take your mind off using substances.
  • For example, you can still keep your lunch schedule but instead of eating at one lunch spot every day, you can try out different places and cafes to discover new spots.
  • A lot of people don’t feel good when they first get sober, so it’s totally understandable if your feelings are all over the place.
  • Relapse of any chronic diseases, like asthma and diabetes, can and do occur throughout a person’s lifetime.